Trading News

When to Quit Day Trading

Day trading can be an alluring prospect for many, offering the potential for quick profits and financial independence. However, it’s a challenging endeavor that doesn’t suit everyone. Knowing when to step away from day trading is important for your financial and mental well-being. This article explores various scenarios and indicators that suggest it might be […]

GO Markets Adds Over a Thousand New Stock CFDs

GO Markets has bolstered its investment offering with more stock CFDs, presenting short-term trading opportunities on big names in the US and beyond. Key Takeaways 1000+ new share CFDs are available at GO Markets, including Spotify, Workday, and DoorDash. Stock CFDs can be traded on the broker’s MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform with a $200 minimum […]

Paper Trading

Paper trading is used by both novice and experienced traders. It allows individuals to practice trading strategies and gain market experience without risking real money. For beginners, it enables them to understand the basics of trading without losing money. For experienced traders, it allows them to test new strategies in a simulated environment. This article […]

Ratio Spreads

Ratio spreads are advanced options strategies that involve buying and selling different numbers of options contracts with the same expiration date but different strike prices.  These strategies can be used to profit from specific market movements while limiting risk. Note that this type of unbalanced structure typically requires greater collateral requirements than traditional call and […]

Overlays in Trading

Overlays in trading involve adding specific strategies or positions to manage risks or improve returns without taking away from the core holdings of the portfolio. Overlays can be applied to various aspects of financial markets, including currencies, volatility, commodities, and more.   Key Takeaways – Overlays in Trading Risk Management – Overlays allow better precision […]

Hedge Fund vs. Asset Management

Hedge funds and traditional asset management firms operate under starkly different business models, despite both being in the business of managing other people’s money.  They may seem similar on the surface, but their approaches to generating profits and growing their businesses are almost diametrically opposed.  This article will explore these differences, understanding why hedge funds […]

Types of Traders

Traders can be categorized in various ways, primarily by their trading strategies and their level of professionalism.  Here’s a breakdown: By Strategy Day Traders Definition – Traders who buy and sell financial instruments within the same trading day. They try to capitalize on short-term market movements. They rarely hold overnight. Characteristics – High-frequency trading, use of technical […]

Selling ITM Options – Good Idea or Avoid?

Selling in-the-money (ITM) options is a strategy that often confuses both novice and experienced traders. For those selling ITM options “naked,” it’s often pursued by traders as a way to avoid paying margin interest or borrowing fees by simply buying or shorting the underlying. It can also be combined with other options positions as part […]

Fusion Markets Enables Trading via TradingView App

Fusion Markets has enabled mobile trading directly through the TradingView app, available from the App Store and Google Play. Key Takeaways The TradingView app facilitates precision charting with 15+ styles, 100+ prebuilt indicators, 100,000+ public indicators and 90+ drawing tools. Mobile traders get access to the world’s largest trading network with 50+ million users, 8+ […]

Aega, Sega & Rega

Aega, Sega, and Rega are advanced risk measures that go beyond traditional Greeks like Vega, Vanna, and Volga.   Key Takeaways – Aega, Sega, and Rega Aega, Rega, and Sega provide more comprehensive risk analysis for options with volatility smiles. They measure sensitivity to ATM volatility, risk reversal, and butterfly/strangle premium respectively. These metrics offer […]

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