Steel Brokers 2024

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Jemma Grist
Jemma is a writer, editor and fact-checker focused on retail trading and investing. Jemma brings a unique perspective to the forex, stock, and cryptocurrency markets and works across several investment websites as a researcher and broker analyst.
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James Barra
James is an investment writer with a background in financial services. He has worked as a management consultant, where he delivered large-scale operational transformational programmes at some of Europe's biggest banks. James authors, edits and fact-checks content for a series of investing websites.
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William Berg
William contributes to several investment websites, leveraging his experience as a consultant for IPOs in the Nordic market and background providing localization for forex trading software. William has worked as a writer and fact-checker for a long row of financial publications.

Steel trading can be an attractive option for retail investors. With a huge number of companies involved in steel manufacturing and trading on numerous exchanges, traders can choose from a wide range of methods to invest in or speculate on steel, from leveraged CFDs to long-term futures contracts or ETFs. This guide will explain how to start steel trading, from the available instruments and potential strategies to the pros, cons and anything else a trader should know. Use our list of the top steel brokers to get started:

Best Steel Brokers

These are the 1 best brokers for trading Steel:

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  1. 1
    Forex trading involves risk. Losses can exceed deposits.

    4.9 / 5
    4 / 5
    4.5 / 5
    3.5 / 5
    4.8 / 5
    4.5 / 5
    4.9 / 5
    5 / 5
    4.6 / 5
    4 / 5

    0.01 Lots
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Steel Trading Basics

What Is Steel?

Steel is one of the most important metals in the world. Steel and alloys such as stainless steel form key parts of objects and infrastructure that we use daily, from vehicles and tools to buildings and bridges. In 2022, the steel market was valued at over 1.2 trillion USD (Expert Market Research).

When trading steel, you need to consider the different types as well as where it is produced. For instance, three common types of steel you can trade on an exchange include rebar (reinforcing bar), scrap and HRC (hot-rolled coil). This is an important distinction as the prices will vary depending on both the type of steel traders invest in and the location.

In February 2023, the price of rebar steel in Turkey listed on the London Metal Exchange (LME) was $261 higher than the price of scrap steel in Turkey for example. During the same time frame, the prices of China HRC, Northwest Europe HRC and North America HRC on the LME were $640, $801 and $740, respectively.

History Of Steel Trading

Steel has been a key part of infrastructure projects for millennia, though it was not produced in large amounts until the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. During this time, new technologies and manufacturing methods were discovered, which allowed countries around the world to produce steel on a much greater scale than before.

The global steel industry grew quickly in the United States of America with the company U.S. Steel launched in 1901. It was formed from a merger between a series of manufacturing and steelmaking companies and was headed by J.P. Morgan. It became one of the world’s largest steel manufacturing and trading companies with an estimated market cap of $4.8 billion. Alongside U.S. Steel, there were many state-owned steelmaking companies in other countries such as Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and across Europe.

However, it was not until the 21st century that steel futures were offered on exchanges to traders. The Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange was the first to begin offering steel futures in 2007. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) followed suit the next year and then in 2009 the Shanghai Futures Exchange also started offering steel contracts.

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Steel Trading Vehicles

Steel Stocks

Another way to gain exposure to steel is by investing in companies that produce or sell the commodity. This includes manufacturing, steelmaking and trading companies from around the world, for example, Rio Tinto and Vale.

You should be aware that the stock and share prices for these companies can also be impacted by factors unrelated to steel, such as business plans and earnings forecasts as well as other metals they may work with.

It is possible to find international steel trading and making companies and businesses in numerous countries. For instance, JSW Steel, Tata Steel and Jindal from New Delhi, India, United Iron and Steel and Dana Steel of Dubai, UAE, 701 Champion Steel in Qatar and the Japanese Nippon Steel.

For many of these companies, you have the option to follow the price history graph for their stocks on websites such as TradingView.

Steel ETFs

An exchange-traded fund, or ETF, is a single instrument made up of a number of different stocks, commodities and other assets. As the name suggests, these are funds that can be traded on exchanges. One prime example is the VanEck Steel ETF which is made up of 25 holdings such as Vale, Rio Tinto and Tenaris.

Generally, ETFs may be better suited for longer-term investments or as a hedging option as they tend to be less volatile than other steel instruments. Take the VanEck Steel ETF for instance. If one or two stocks drop drastically in value while all others stay around the same, the overall value of the ETF will not be greatly impacted, protecting you against volatility in certain assets.

For the same reason, it might be more difficult to make large short-term gains when investing in a steel ETF, though you may be able to trade CFDs or similar leveraged products on an ETF’s price movements.

What Influences The Price Of Steel?

Iron & Coal

Iron ore and coking coal are two key ingredients in the production of steel. On average, one tonne of steel requires 1.4 tonnes of iron ore and 0.8 tonnes of coking coal, so these two commodities have a huge impact on the price of steel.

Shortages in either can mean production of steel decreases, causing supply to reduce and price to increase. In 2008, when iron ore and premium hard coking coal jumped to over 160 USD per tonne and 400 USD per tonne respectively, the price of Chinese steel also grew. During the year, it reached over 800 USD per tonne, the highest it had been in over five years.

Supply Chain

Changes to the steel supply chain can have a large impact on the metal’s price. If demand stays the same but the amount of steel being produced and exported decreases, then the value of steel will increase.

Steel trading graph


China accounts for around 50% of the global demand for steel. This is in addition to producing approximately 53% of global steel as published by the Statista Research Department.

These two factors together demonstrate the scale of China’s influence on the steel market.

Energy Prices

Steelmaking is an energy-intensive process that uses either coal to fuel a blast furnace or electricity to power an arc furnace, which are the two main types of furnaces used to produce steel.

During 2022 when energy prices soared, the steelmaking and trading industry was greatly impacted, especially in countries such as the UK. Because of this surge, many steelmaking companies had to halt operations to keep costs down. This led to steel prices in the UK increasing by over 300% between January and April that year.

Pros Of Trading Steel

Cons Of Trading Steel

Steel Trading Strategies

Trend Trading

A steel trend trading strategy is based on the idea of identifying and following trends to capitalize on price action. This involves using technical indicators to determine trends and the strength of trends, and to forecast potential reversals.

A trend trader would use this information to plan and execute trades – for instance, opening a long CFD when there is a strong upward trend and exiting the position to generate a profit once the trend strength begins to decrease.


An alternative to trend trading is identifying points where the price is more likely to change direction. Often, this involves using support and resistance lines, which generate an expected price range using past performance. Support lines are the lower band and resistance lines are the upper band.

To trade steel on this strategy, you would open positions assuming that the price trend will weaken and swap direction as it reaches one of these two lines. If the price is approaching a resistance line, you would open a short CFD position on steel, for example. Then once the price begins to decrease toward a support line, you would close the contract.

Fundamental Analysis

One way to trade on the price of steel is by monitoring news and announcements. Prices of steel instruments can be greatly influenced by fundamental factors alongside technical aspects. Examples include production forecasts and changes to imports and exports.

To help you have success with a fundamental steel trading strategy, it is best that you subscribe to news sites, publications and commodities analysts on social media. This way, you can stay up to date and make trades in anticipation or in reaction to industry news.

How To Start Trading Steel


Your first step is to choose the steel instrument that you want to trade with. Be sure to take the time to evaluate the different options so you can find which works best for you. To start with, consider your risk tolerance and see which instruments you feel best suit your trading style.

For instance, if you prefer short-term trades and you have a high-risk appetite, trading on leverage with CFDs could be a viable choice. Alternatively, if you prefer lower-risk instruments, ETFs may be better.


Next, you will need to find a broker that offers the steel trading instruments that you are interested in. When choosing a steel trading broker, review all the aspects that impact your overall trading experience. This includes the trading platform, fees, account types and regulatory status.

It is also useful where possible to practice trading steel in a risk-free way on a demo account, especially if you are a novice to trading steel or plan to try out a new strategy.


The three aforementioned strategies are a good place to start in your steel trading, but there are many approaches to consider. It is worthwhile taking the time to learn the available strategies and find ones that suit your financial goals and risk tolerance the best.

Risk Management

Trading steel can be a high-risk activity due to the asset’s volatility, so good risk management practices are vital. Popular methods include setting stop loss and take profit orders when placing a trade.

Another way to mitigate risk is by hedging – for instance, opening an options contract in the opposite direction to your futures or CFD position. This way, your options contract would reduce the magnitude of the loss from a futures or CFD contract if they go poorly.

Educational Resources & Other Tools

Ensure you have sufficient knowledge of steel trading and your chosen strategy before investing in a live account. You can find useful resources online such as guides, eBooks, tutorial videos and training classes. Note that while this is useful for beginners, seasoned traders moving to steel will also benefit from learning about steel production and trading dynamics, including the different types such as rebar and scrap steel.

Other tools to consider include using expert advisors (EAs) and copy trading. EAs are trading robots that identify suitable trading opportunities by analyzing price data and will then open, monitor and close positions automatically. Copy trading works similarly, but in this instance, your trades mirror those of an experienced trader.

Steel Trading Times

The steel trading hours depend on what you are trading and who you are trading with. For instance, steel futures and options contracts with the CME on the Globex are open between 5 PM Sunday until 4 PM Thursday (CT) with an hour break each day starting at 4 PM. Whereas, all steel futures contracts with LME can be traded between 1 AM and 7 PM London time every day.

As steel is traded around the world, it is possible to find an exchange with trading hours that suit your time zone.

Final Word On Steel Trading

The price of steel can be impacted by many fundamental factors, and fluctuations are regular and can be significant, representing an attractive opportunity for online traders. Whether you want to trade on a high-frequency and short-term basis or are interested in a longer-term investment, steel is a viable metal worth considering. The massive price swings in recent years also show how steel trading instruments can be used to generate large profits.

Use our ranking of the best steel brokers to start trading.


What Impacts The Price Of Steel?

The price of steel can be affected by numerous factors. Key examples that you should consider when trading steel online include impacts on the supply chain, availability of iron and coal, fluctuations in energy prices and changes in steel demand, particularly in China.

How Can I Plan A Strategy For Steel Trading?

You can strategize your steel trading using online platforms such as TradingView. This website allows you to see what a particular steel company’s share price is trading at and then conduct technical analysis using a range of indicators. It is a good resource for finding ideas on different strategies you could use or forecasts from other users in the community.

What Is U.S. Steel Trading At Today?

To keep up to date with the price of U.S. Steel, check an information site such as MarketWatch or WSJ Markets. If you are interested in trading on U.S. Steel, it may be worthwhile setting up share price alerts so you can be notified when the stock reaches a certain value.

What Is The Best Steel Trading Business To Invest In?

There are many international steel trading companies that you can choose from. While there is no definitive best, there may be one or two that are most suited to your trading style and preference. You can find steel companies in countries and exchanges around the world. For example, there are many steel-producing companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as in locations including Hong Kong, India, the Netherlands and other Euro countries.

How Can I Trade On The Price Of Steel?

Available instruments for trading on steel include derivatives such as futures contracts, options and CFDs. Alternatively, you can trade on the share price of global steelmaking and trading companies or ETFs related to the steel industry.