How many hours a day trading?

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  • #180167 Reply

      How many hours a day are people day trading for their job spending at their desks? I know it will vary but I’m interested to see if I’m around the norm or not.

      Me personally, I’m spending around 6-8 hours a day at the moment with around 1 hour doing pre market doing research and analysis (mainly of overnight events), then around 4-5 hours actually trading, plus I try and do 1-2 hours post market reviewing my trades and learning, though I’m not so consistent here (I know I need to get better).

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      • #180187 Reply
        BTC Ben

          I trade altcoins and mostly during the weekend so I go heavy then, we’re talking upwards of 12 hours with a lot of planning and researching.

        • #180387 Reply
          Jamie Ilis

            I only trade for approx 3 hours a day now. I used to spend a lot longer on it but now I know what I’m targeting (opening range breakout in the SP 500 E-mini futures in first 20 minutes) I don’t need be glued to my screen all day. Using custom alerts on my trading app has also saved me from too much aimless research.

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