At what point do I throw in the towel?

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  • #179358 Reply

      I’ve been day trading for over a year now. Started off with about $10k, got it to 18k, then back to 10, then down to 8.5, then back to 9.8, then real bad, and I mean real bad, 3 months where I’m now hovering at about 1.2k.

      I don’t want to give up because I’ve spent so much time and effort trying to figure it out, but am I an idiot? Should I call it a day and try something else?

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      • #179409 Reply

          Harry, day trading is not a piece of cake. No matter what people say and looks like you’ve learned that now. I’ve done it off and on for years now. I want to say it gets easier but there’s no magic bullet. She’s a non stop roller coaster.

          Keep your head up and no shame in throwing in the towel. At the very least why not take a break and see how you feel after? Done that myself.

          • #179504 Reply

              Thanks John. I reckon I’ll have to soon if something doesn’t give.

          • #179476 Reply

              I can totally relate Harry, you’re not alone!

              Can I ask if you keep a trading journal? I find analysis of my trading decisions the best way to identify where I’m going wrong. Helps me keep a level head and take a step back.

              • #179503 Reply

                  Cheers man.

                  I did start off doing a journal but I must admit I sacked it off after a while. What one do you use?

                • #179517 Reply

                    I use Swift Journal because they link with my MT4. It was pretty easy to set up and not that expense (I pay about $15 a month). I haven’t looked around recently to see if any cheaper mind you.

                • #179518 Reply

                    NEVER throw in the towel! Adapt! Learn!

                  • #179659 Reply

                      A story as old as time lol. Swear I think about throwing in the towel at least once a week at the mo!

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