Reply To: eToro Copy Trading

Christian Harris

    Hi DooT.

    eToro has been in operation since 2007 and has built a strong reputation in the industry. It also has a massive user base.

    Regarding safety, the company is regulated by several reputable financial authorities, including the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) in Europe.

    I’ve found eToro to be one of the best options regarding copy trading. I’ve used eToro for around five years. I’ve also used other popular forex and crypto trading copy services, but eToro is the only one that has consistently made me money in the long term—and without the added stress of huge drawdowns (eToro’s risk score is a great indication of a provider’s volatility).

    The ‘difficulty’ comes with picking the investor to copy trade. There are hundreds of options, so you must choose one that aligns with your expectations. For example, do you like steady ‘green’ months regardless of low ROI percentages or want higher returns with higher risks? Do you plan to invest for decades, or do you want to make a quick profit in under a year? That’s a personal choice only you can make.

    But to answer your question, I believe eToro is the safest copy trading platform, and you can certainly make money if you invest realistically.