Reply To: Opinions on Trading Journals


    Is it just me that’s old skl and does it in a spreader still 😂

    I think I can still get down what I need…

    • Date and time
    • Asset traded (usually stocks for me)
    • Entry and exit
    • Size (e.g. no. of shares/contracts)
    • Direction
    • Why the trade (technical indicators, news etc)
    • Result (too often loss lol)
    • My thought process
    • Lessons learned

    Here’s one I did…

    • Entry time: 10:15
    • Asset: AAPL
    • Entry: $145.50
    • Size: 100 shares
    • Direction: Long
    • Why the trade (showed a bullish flag pattern following product launch)
    • Thought process (felt confident due to clear bullish signals but nervs about serious volatility)
    • Exit: $147
    • Outcome: $150 profit
    • Reflection: Slight impatience in exiting early due to fear of potential reversal
    • Lessons learned: Need to trust my strategy and hold to the target exit points unless clear reversal signs appear